

請致電 416-786-9255 以信用卡捐款。

Credit Card



如欲使用銀行電子匯款, 請填寫銀行電子匯款表格

E-transfer payee email: admin@crrs.org


請下載並填寫「認捐表格」,附上支票(抬頭CRRS)或信用卡資料,郵寄至以下地址 :

P.O. Box 7247
7060 Warden Avenue
Markham, ON
Canada L3R 5Y0

Company Sponsorship

Instead of donating, companies are welcome to become our sponsors for this 2024 Online Fundraising Appeal Event.

Sponsorship Categories:

China Passion Theme Sponsor $5,000
Ph.D. Sponsor $2,800
Master Sponsor $1,500
Friends Sponsor $1,000


We will offer the promotion online as follows:

  1. An invoice will be issued to indicate the sponsorship amount as your company’s marketing expenses;
  2. Your company’s name, logo and type of sponsorship will be printed on the Sponsorship Poster. The Sponsorship Poster will be posted on our CRRS Toronto website under our ‘2024 CRRS Fundraising Event’ and will remain on our website;
  3. A “Thank You” Letter and the Sponsorship Poster will be sent to all current and past donors.

On behalf of the children in Guangxi, we thank you for your continuous support. May God bless you!

Company Sponsorship Form

